Analysis of Processes and Tools

Professional Analysis of your Processes and Tools

By applying our many years of systems analysis, business consulting and our over 2 years of focusing on the needs of Professional Societies and Associations we know we can help your organization achieve their goals of retaining your members, recruiting new members, being more efficient in you operations and be more effective adding value to you profession. Providing a measurable reason to be a member. Plus help you be more effective in your promoting the legislation you advocate.

To do this we will gather critical information about your organization's tools and processes.

We will provide a survey to be completed by your staff . Afterward we will review the results, have detailed open discussions with your staff and together come up with a series of recommendations to improve your processes and evaluate the tools you use.

Based upon the size of you organization we will provide this service at a fixed cost which will be far less than the savings your organization will realize.

Typical cost of the analysis for an organization with an annual income up to 15 million dollars would be $6,000.   Maximum cost would be $12,000 this would apply to organizations with an annual budget greater than 15 million dollars.

For more information at no obligation please follow this link. 
